Roman Equivalents of Greek Gods

Tom Curley

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Collection of Greek gods

Have you ever been curious about the gods and goddesses of ancient Greek and Roman mythology? Look no further! In this article, we’ve compiled a handy table featuring the major deities along with their associated domains.

Additionally, we answer some common questions about these legendary figures and provide links for further reading.

So, whether you’re a mythology buff or just starting to explore this fascinating subject, read on to discover the diverse and complex world of Greek and Roman gods and goddesses.

Major Greek and Roman Gods and Goddesses

Greek and Roman mythology is a fascinating subject that has captured the imagination of people for centuries.

The stories of the gods and goddesses from these ancient civilizations are entertaining and offer insight into the beliefs, values, and culture of the people who worshipped them.

Here is a table of some of the major Greek and Roman gods and goddesses, along with their associated domains:

Greek NameRoman NameDomain(s)
ZeusJupiterQueen of the gods, marriage, and childbirth
HeraJunoQueen of the gods, marriage and childbirth
PoseidonNeptuneSea, earthquakes, and horses
DemeterCeresAgriculture, harvest, and fertility
AthenaMinervaWisdom, warfare, and crafts
Apollo ApolloSun, prophecy, music, poetry, and healing
ArtemisDianaHunting, wilderness, and childbirth
AresMarsWar and violence
AproditeVenusLove, beauty, and sexuality
HermesMercuryMessenger of the gods, commerce, and thieves
DionysusBacchusWine, parties, and ecstasy
HestiaVestaHearth, home, and family
HeliosSolSun and light
HephaestusVulcanFire, blacksmiths, and craftsmen
HadesPlutoUnderworld and death
PersephoneProserpinaUnderworld and spring
ErosCupidLove and desire
MorpheusSomnusDreams and sleep
NikVictoriaVictory and success
PanFaunusNature, shepherds, and fertility
SeleneLunaMoon and night
TycheFortunaFortune, luck, and fate
ErebusN/ADarkness and shadow
IrisN/ARainbow and messenger of the gods

Lesser known or local Greek and Roman gods

Greek and Roman mythology is rich with stories of gods and goddesses who were revered and worshipped by ancient civilizations.

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While many of these deities are well-known, there are also numerous lesser-known gods and goddesses who were worshipped in more localized settings

Greek NameRoman NameDomain(s)
AdonisN/ABeauty, desire, and rebirth
AmphitriteSalaciaSea, wife of Poseidon
AsclepiusAesculapiusHealing and medicine
CalliopeN/AEpic poetry and writing
Castor and PolluxN/AThe Fates, destiny, and life
CharonN/AFerryman of the dead
ChronosSaturnTime, agriculture, and fertility
CirceN/ASorcery and transformation
Clotho, Lachesis, and AtroposN/AThe Fates, destiny and life
CronusN/ATime, agriculture, and fertility
EchidnaN/AMonster with the body of a serpent and the head of a woman
EileithyiaN/AChildbirth and midwifery
ErisDiscordiaChaos and strife
GaeaTerraEarth and nature
HarpiesN/AWinged creatures with the face of a woman and the body of a bird
HecateTriviaMagic, witchcraft, and ghosts
HypnosSomnusSleep and dreams
IcarusN/AHubris and flight
JanusN/AGates, beginnings, and endings
MedusaN/AMonster with snakes for hair
MusesN/ANine goddesses of the arts, science, and inspiration
NemesisN/ARetribution and justice
NyxNoxNight and darkness
OceanusOceanusOcean and the world’s rivers

Why do Roman and Greek Gods have different names?

A mystery cult being worshipped in ancient greece under the moonlight

While many of the gods and goddesses from Greek and Roman mythology share similar characteristics and domains, they often have different names in each culture.

This is because the Romans adopted many of the gods and goddesses from the Greeks but gave them their own names and attributes.

One reason for this is that the Romans had their own gods and goddesses before contact with the Greeks, so they integrated these deities into their own pantheon. Additionally, the Romans often adapted the Greek gods and goddesses to better fit their culture and beliefs.

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Why did the Romans adopt Greek gods?

Artwork depicting the Eleusinian mysteries at night

The Romans were heavily influenced by Greek culture, including their mythology. As the Roman Empire expanded and came into contact with Greece, they began to adopt many aspects of Greek culture, including their religion and gods.

One reason for this adoption was the similarity between Greek and Roman gods and their domains. Many of the Greek gods and goddesses were associated with aspects of nature, such as the sky, earth, and sea, which were also important to the Romans.

By adopting these gods, the Romans could incorporate them into their own pantheon and maintain a sense of continuity with their past beliefs.

Additionally, the Romans recognized the cultural and intellectual achievements of the Greeks, including their mythology. By adopting these gods, the Romans aligned themselves with the Greek cultural legacy and positioned themselves as inheritors of Greek civilization.

Finally, adopting Greek gods also had political benefits for the Romans. By adopting the gods of conquered territories, the Romans could placate the local populations and incorporate them into their own culture and society.

In the end, the adoption of Greek gods by the Romans played a significant role in the development of Roman mythology and culture.

While the gods may have been given different names and attributes, they continued to hold a prominent place in the mythology and religion of the Roman Empire.

Further reading about Greek and Roman Religion and Mythology

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Tom Curley
I'm Tom Curley, owner and operator of History Hogs, where my passion for ancient history drives everything we do. From Rome to Byzantium, I dive deep into the stories and details that shaped our past.
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