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Ai generated image of Alexander the Great bas on a Roman era marble bust.

What did Alexander the Great Look Like? – (AI Images)

Tom Curley

Alexander the Great’s legacy as a formidable military leader is undisputed, yet the details of his physical appearance have sparked ...

Artwork of the Diadochi waiting in the shadows

Diadochi Drama – Cutthroat World of Alexander’s Successors

Tom Curley

The death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC marked the end of an era in ancient history, as his ...

Art portrait of Seleucus

Seleucus I Nicator – Underdog to Emperor

Tom Curley

Seleucus I Nicator was a prominent figure in the post-Alexander era of ancient history. Through military skill, political maneuvering, and ...

Realistic image of Macedonian Regent Antipater

The Life of Antipater – Kingmaker to Diadochi Warrior

Tom Curley

Antipater played a pivotal role in the conquests of Alexander the Great and the subsequent Diadochi Wars. He served as ...

Artwork of Antigonus I Monophthalmus. Realistic image of what the Macedonian General looked like.

Antigonus I – Inches Away from Uniting Alexander’s Empire

Tom Curley

Antigonus was one of Alexander the Great’s generals and critical in many campaigns. After Alexander’s death, Antigonus sought to succeed ...

Artwork of Craterus. Realistic image of what the Macedonian General might have looked like.

Craterus – Alexander’s General Overshadowed by Circumstance

Tom Curley

Craterus was one of Alexander the Great’s toughest generals and one of his most trusted advisers. He played a crucial ...

Artwork of the Macedonian General Perdiccas. Realistic image of the Diadochi ruler.

The Rise and Fall of Perdiccas – Ambition and Overconfidence

Tom Curley

Perdiccas was one of Alexander the Great’s most trusted generals, playing a crucial role in his conquests and the early ...

Artwork of a realistic portrait of Ptolemy I Soter.

The Rise of Ptolemy I – From General to Pharaoh

Tom Curley

Ptolemy Soter was one of the most prominent successors of Alexander the Great, known as the Diadochi. His life spanned ...

Head of a colossal statue of ram-horned Zeus Ammon, Roman Tunisia (?), AD 150-180, Liebieghaus, Frankfurt

God Complex – How Zeus Ammon Shaped Alexander the Great

Tom Curley

Alexander the Great was fascinated with the Zeus Ammon, a deity that combined aspects of Greek and Egyptian mythology. This ...

Alexander cuts the Gordian Knot, painting by Berthelemy ca. 1767

Alexander the Great and the Gordian knot – Myth or Reality?

Tom Curley

For ages, the tale of Alexander and the Gordian Knot has been a staple in discussions about ingenious problem-solving and ...

Artwork of Alexander the Great and Hephaestion

Alexander the Great’s Lovers – From Queens to Soldiers

Tom Curley

Alexander the Great wasn’t just a military genius who changed the course of history. He also had a fascinating love ...

Art of Alexander the Great celebrating in Memphis Egypt

Alexander the Great in Egypt – Conquest, Oracles and Legacy

Tom Curley

Ready to set sail on a historical adventure? This article takes you on a riveting journey through Alexander the Great’s ...

Artwork of the Vestal Virgins of Rome

The Vestal Virgins of Rome – Everything You Need to Know

Tom Curley

Step into ancient Rome’s world and discover the city’s most powerful women – the Vestal Virgins. These women were more ...

Artwork of the pagan sun god Sol Invictus

Sol Invictus – Origins and the Dies Natalis Solis Invicti

Tom Curley

The sun holds immense significance throughout history. In Ancient Rome, its representation was embodied by Sol Invictus, a powerful deity ...

A mystery cult being worshipped in ancient greece under the moonlight

Top 5 Fascinating Greco-Roman Mystery Cults

Tom Curley

Step into the realm of ancient Greco-Roman paganism, where gods and goddesses reigned supreme, from the sky-scraping peaks of Mount ...

artwork of venetian merchants

Is Alexander the Great Buried in St. Mark’s Cathedral?

Tom Curley

The search for Alexander the Great’s missing body has been one of the most captivating mysteries in history. Historians have ...

Artwork of Emperor Nero. Realistic interpretation of what Nero looked like.

Emperor Nero Unmasked – 10 Horrifying Facts You Never Knew

Tom Curley

Nero was the last Emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. His reign ended a century-long family rule and led to civil ...

Artwork depicting Emperor Caligula. Realistic image of what he might have looked like.

Top 10 Disturbing Caligula Facts – Rome’s Craziest Emperor?

Tom Curley

Emperor Caligula, the third ruler of the Roman Empire, has become infamous in history for his erratic behavior and extreme ...

Artwork showing Alexander the Great on his death bed

Where Is Alexander the Great Buried? – (Ancient Mysteries)

Tom Curley

The story of Alexander the Great’s final resting place remains one of the greatest mysteries of the ancient world. As ...

Artistic Portrait of Roman Emperor Augustus. Realistic image.

Emperor Augustus – Top 10 Greatest Achievements

Tom Curley

Octavian, later known as Augustus, was a remarkable leader whose reign over Rome transformed the Republic into an Empire lasting ...

Artistic Portrait of Roman Emperor Trajan. Realistic image.

Emperor Trajan – Top 10 Fascinating Facts

Tom Curley

Trajan was a standout Roman Emperor, ruling from 98 to 117 AD. He’s known for improving the empire in multiple ...

Artistic Portrait of Roman Emperor Vespasian. Realistic image.

Emperor Vespasian – Top 10 Fascinating Facts

Tom Curley

Vespasian, an emperor of Rome, is widely regarded as one of the most outstanding leaders in the history of the ...

Artwork of the Greatest Roman Emperor

The Greatest Roman Emperors Of All Time – (Top 5 Ranked)

Tom Curley

From the rise of Augustus to the fall of Augustulus, the Roman Empire witnessed the reign of approximately 70 Emperors, ...

A Roman statue podcasting

The 7 Best Roman History Podcasts

Tom Curley

Podcasts have revolutionized how we learn and engage with information, offering a flexible and convenient way to explore a wide ...

collapse of the roman empire. Colosseum on fire

The Fall of the Roman Empire – 8 Critical Causes

Tom Curley

What Led to the Fall of the Western Roman Empire? The Roman Empire was a Mediterranean juggernaut that weathered plagues, ...

Fall of Rome. Rome is seen burning

The Most Overrated Roman Emperors of All Time – (Top 5)

Tom Curley

The Roman Empire is famous for its engineering marvels, military successes, and cultural impact. But not all emperors were as ...

Gaius Julius Caesar, Art History Museum, Vienna, Austria

What if Julius Caesar Wasn’t Assassinated?

Tom Curley

What if Julius Caesar hadn’t met his fate on the Ides of March? Imagine the course of history if he ...

Al old Alexander the Great looking over his Empire

What If Alexander the Great Lived Longer?

Tom Curley

Alexander the Great, synonymous with military genius and far-reaching influence, had a life tragically cut short. He ruled for a ...

A modern imagination of Constantinople

What if Constantinople Didn’t Fall? – (Modern Byzantium?)

Tom Curley

The fall of Constantinople to the Ottomans in 1453 was a turning point in history, marking the end of the ...